Monday, January 26, 2009

Keeping Fit

Did you make a New Years resolution to be in better shape or improve your health? Grab your pet's leash and make them your work out partner. Granted this would depend on the breed of your dog and their age. However, pets do make great work out companions. You may already walk your dog several times a day depending on where you live. Add on a few extra minutes to each walk. Many fitness sites and doctors recommend 30 minutes of exercise a day. If you find it difficult to set aside 30 minutes a time, break it up into two 15 minute intervals or three 10 minute intervals. It will improve your pet's health and your own.
Make it a fun family activity and involve your children while out walking your pup. I loved taking our family dog for walks when I was younger. Join your child and make it a special activity between the two of you.
Don't have a dog? Volunteer to walk your neighbor's dog or check with your local humane society. Many rely on volunteers to help exercise the dogs at the shelter.
The best part about walking your dog is that it is a free activity for you and your family. Remember to bring a doggy bag with you to clean up after your pet and to keep your pet safe by keeping it on a leash.

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