Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Wags frustration

It seems like on almost every Walgreen's post a blogger puts up someone voices their frustration about the Register Reward program. The way it is set up is you buy an item, a register reward(RR) prints out the dollar amount stated in the ad. When you redeem the RR it is used like a manufacter's coupon on your receipt. There are times when they don't print as they claim they will. I was told today by a store manager that they don't really know how or when they print. It depends on how a manufacturer has set up the reward for their items.
Here is how I interpret this. Some manufacturer's don't care if you use coupons they put out to buy items, like Colgate. Other manufacturer's don't want you to use coupons that will exceed the product's purchase price. For instance Jergen's is 5.99 this week with a 5.00 register reward. If you try to use your 6.00 Reach reward along with a small filler, the 5.00 register reward won't print because the 6.00 is too close to the actual purchase price.
It is a very confusing system they have set up. As consumer you have no idea how the RR is going to be set up by a manufacturer. It also doesn't help when they say you won't get one to print and you do. Cashiers can be very rude about the entire system and as managers they can't force an RR to print for you. Sure, they could still honor the price through a gift card but I don't think they will make a practice of doing this as manufacturer's won't reimburse that cost to the stores.
I think Walgreen's has a lot of work to do with their register reward system. It's confusing for consumers and stores. Along with that, they took away their rebate program. Not that I think they need to have both. However, the rebate program actually worked. There was chatter on the web that they will move to a CVS like system. I think that would be very beneficial to them and solve a lot of the frustrations.
I'll still shop at Walgreen's but only when the deals are super supburb!

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